CEO Message

Our CEO's message

In 2002, we saw data storage expanding exponentially, new applications transforming their data structures, and latest functionalities requiring greater and different data types.

Working in the corporate world, we realised these transformational shifts in technology would require complex and structured data migrations, and thus, in 2004, Circini was born.

While many new migration tools are entering the market, nothing yet rivals the attentive detail and experience Circini has developed over hundreds of successful large-scale migrations.

Our guiding ethos is to understand every facet of your data. With that in mind, we have developed the experience to comprehend your business data, and the processes to reduce your data mitigation risk and cost.

One thing we’ve learned over the years is that it pays to introduce migration early in your project lifecycle, not as an afterthought during development.

That way you can consider upfront some important issues that may influence development outcomes, such as:

  • Ascertaining the quality of your existing data, including mandatory and non-mandatory data cleansing, and possible data profiling;
  • Considering whether a staged or single “big bang” migration approach is best for you;
  • Ensuring a quality new system by pre-determining your testing approach, level of testing support and the possibility of parallel testing;
  • Ensuring seamless in-flight activity during system transition such as service orders and customer requests, so your customers will hardly notice anything is changing;
  • Determining the best system deployment approach.

These are the sorts of questions we consider every day, so we can help you steer your migration needs and make the most of technology-based change.


We’d love to hear from you, you can contact me directly via:

Email: or phone: 027 441 4973


Mike Walczak, CEO
